Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Lexington, You Count!

I made this video for the community I love.  I hope you will all participate in the 2020 Census! 

People Matching Art Works

Check out this collection of photos of museum visitors matching the art they are viewing. Click here to view!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Missing my students!

I love hearing from my students during this time of school closure.  Here are just a few of the artistic creations some of my elementary students have sent to me.  I am thankful to the parents who assist and allow their kids to do art at home.

Wesley did some shaving cream paintings.

Gunnar drew Stitch with his colored pencils.

Jazlyne has been painting rocks

Harper did some cute doodles, and 
Isabella made some May Day baskets!

Angela, Marvin & Christopher have been learning about 
Native American life and they built this lodge 
with sticks and branches in their backyard!  

Danali and Talon made sailboats out of recycling!  
Let me know if they float!

Keep sending me photos of yourselves

being creative!  I MISS YOU!

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