Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Student submission...

I am obsessed with this beautiful reproduction!  
Original:  Pardon Mama by Emily Munier, 1888
Remake:  by students, Deliah and Emma Santos, 2020

Who wants to try it next?  Pick any famous painting that you love and reproduce it yourself!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Facebook Art Challenge with Mrs. Neher

It’s my turn to post the Facebook challenge for the week for our elementary students!  Let me see what you create!  Send me your masterpieces and I will post them.  Don’t forget to ask permission before using any materials and making messes!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Missing My Classrooms!

It makes me sad to think of all my normally-lively art classrooms currently sitting empty.  Schools closed so abruptly that I still have student paintings hanging to dry and stacks of unfinished art projects in every one of my classrooms.  We didn't get to finish our units or lesson plans, and I won't have my sweet fifth graders again as they are moving to middle school.  When school starts back in the Fall, I'm excited to fill these rooms with creativity and laughter once again!  I miss all my little artists!
My office door at Bryan

One view of my class at Pershing
My classroom at Morton
In my classroom at Sandoz

Two things you will find in all of my classrooms are this Picasso quote, which is my motto for my elementary art students, and the infamous Mona Lisa print with my classroom behavior expectations.

Visiting a class at Bryan with my art cart!
Here comes the art cart!  Choo Choo!

Paper Quilts with 2nd and 3rd Graders

Each student colored one quarter of an image.  Half of the class used only warm colors, and the other half only used cool colors.  They could use markers, crayons and colored pencils to create their designs.  Once they were finished, we pieced them together alternating warm and cool pieces to complete the paper quilt pattern.  The kids were so happy to see these class collaborations!

First Grade Forest

The first day of school I had my first graders draw a tree.  Any kind of tree, any way they wanted to.  Then I put them up to show them that all trees are different and so are all artists!

Pre-K Rainbow Dot Art

This lesson was fun and the preschoolers really loved it.  It was good exercise for their motor skills as well as their recall of the color order!  It was so cute watching them focus on staying in the lines. Some did a little better than others, but they were all so proud to take them home.  (My example is the top one, and the rest are student examples).

You know you're a traveling art teacher when...

...your trek from the modular building to the lunch room looks like this (the slow-mo is for dramatic effect).

When you share a modular with Band class..

...then this is the soundtrack to your planning period.  Truth be told, I ADORE the band and love hearing them play their little hearts out.  Plus, this is the precursor to our amazing LHS band - Pride of the Minutemen!

Not just an art teacher...

...but I'm also a soccer coach, and I am sure missing these hard-working girls!  I am sorry we didn't get to have a season this year.  I know you would have won them all!!
Minutemaids Soccer 2020 - the season that never was

Shout out to my girl Lisa...

A big thank you to Mona Lisa for keeping an all-gazing eye on all my students and keeping them in line with her respectful posture, silence and eye contact.  Kids, when you hear "Mona Lisa" - how does it make you feel?  C'mon, you miss her a little, right?

Teacher message to Bryan students....

This is a video from all of us at Bryan!  I miss my Bryan Bobcats!  Keep creating!
(Peep your art teacher at 7:08)

Teacher message to Pershing students...

This video is from all of us at Pershing!  I miss my Pershing Panthers!  Keep creating!
(Peep me and my son at 2:29)

Teacher message to Sandoz students....

This is one from all of us at Sandoz!  I miss my Sandoz Super Stars!  Keep creating!
(Peep my turquoise front door)

You know you're a traveling art teacher when....

...this is your dining table and kitchen sink at home!  Fortunately, now that is all cleaned up and back to normal, but I sure do miss my students, even if it means lugging all these supplies around to five different schools for 7 different grade levels and 1600 students!

My kitchen sink at home after 5th grade painting
My dining table back in November, learning to juggle the supplies

Monday, April 20, 2020

Elementary Weekly Challenges for April

Look for my video message on April 29th to get some inspiration!  Each week, check your elementary school's facebook page and posts from your teachers on Class Tag or Class Dojo!

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